Accurately Vacuum Formed in .020 (0.5mm) colored Styrene sheet. The listed scales are only suggestions as many patterns have no definitive size.
The photographs provide a decorated, full-scale (actual size) image of Field Stone. Furnished sheets are undecorated (unpainted) except where noted. See our Tips page for decorating instructions.
NOTE: Some Patterns come in multiple sheet sizes. These will be indicated by an ÒLÓ or ÒXLÓ at the end of the Product Code, i.e. PS-120L. Use the photo for the Product Code without the ÒLÓ or ÒXLÓ, i.e. PS-120L uses PS-120 picture.
Accurately Vacuum Formed in .020 (0.5mm) colored Styrene sheet. The listed scales are only suggestions as many patterns have no definitive size.
The photographs provide a decorated, full-scale (actual size) image of Field Stone. Furnished sheets are undecorated (unpainted) except where noted. See our Tips page for decorating instructions.
NOTE: Some Patterns come in multiple sheet sizes. These will be indicated by an ÒLÓ or ÒXLÓ at the end of the Product Code, i.e. PS-120L. Use the photo for the Product Code without the ÒLÓ or ÒXLÓ, i.e. PS-120L uses PS-120 picture.